Mission Statement

Our goals are”

  • Production and trade in high quality natural organic cosmetics, herbal products and foods on a global level.
  • Empowerment of disadvantaged and vulnerable Africans through holistic actions.
  • Promotion of indigenous produce by strengthening artisanal and small scale manufacturing.
  • Providing a global platform for producers, who have no access to international markets, cutting out middlemen and speculators.
  • Providing fair prices and wages for local indigenous producers
  • Countering the devastating effects of detrimental and unfair trade agreements and the activities of greedy, inhumane multinational corporations and banksters.
  • Contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide by means of perpetual optimization of our


“We must leave a light behind, wherever we shall pass” Susanne Kunze (1937 -2016, Osteopath, Healer and Philanthropist)

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